
What the job is

It’s almost time for health season, and Aucera has some great options. The healthcare business is growing the fastest right now, and there are a lot of job openings in that sector. We’ll teach you how to do a new and interesting job in the health field that could lead to other opportunities.

As soon as possible, interviews will happen, and lessons will start soon. DO IT TODAY!

Why do you need to be licensed to sell health insurance?

Licensed Health Insurance Agents are professionals who can help people understand, choose, and buy health insurance plans. By getting your license with Aucera, you will improve your skills for your resume and have a lot more opportunities to make money.

What You Should Expect

As soon as you join our team, our experienced coaches will start getting you ready for the next approved season. You will study for your Health Insurance License in class for two weeks. Our teachers are the best at what they do, and they will be there to support and push you through the training and the test. With your license, you can take advantage of our great bonus opportunities and make up to $10,000 in one season. Getting your license through Aucera will also help you in the following ways:

  • Pay for training
  • There is no fee for teaching tools.
  • Having access to a personal trainer
  • All fees for tests and licenses have been paid for.
  • WFH jobs after you get your license

After you pass the test, you’ll be put in one of our client programs and have to go to more paid training classes. After that, you’ll help people choose a health insurance plan. Some of the specific tasks of this job are, but are not limited to:

  • In a collaborative way, helping people figure out what they need and choosing the best health plan option
  • Help with setting up, renewing, and servicing customer accounts.
  • Getting new and old users to buy insurance goods and services
  • Correctly and quickly updating customer records
  • Consistently meeting quality, attendance, performance, and on-time performance goals.
    Needs for the Job

You need to have a desktop computer, laptop, or big tablet that you can use to study for the test.

Need to have good internet at home

Must be able to study for the test during times other than normal work hours.

Need to be able to pass a drug test and security check.

Use this now!

Full-time and part-time jobs are available.

$15 to $16 an hour pay